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Janaki Patel: Ayurvedic Advisor & Yoga Teacher

CYT / Ayurvedic health advisor

Janaki Patel (she/her), Ayurvedic Health Advisor

Janaki’s connection with Mother Earth brings a sweet and supportive presence to her clients as she guides them to a deeper state of wellness. Her own journey with Ayurvedic and Yogic practices came out of a crisis of health that spanned multiple years. Now from a place of clarity and compassion, she weaves this ancient wisdom into modern life as she guides and supports others to reduce the suffering in their body, mind, and spirit, and come into Life with more joy, well-being, and authenticity.


Janaki’s namesake, from the ancient legend of the Ramayana, was born from the Earth, and it follows that her life’s work has always been to connect Self and others to the land and the True Nature. Her earnest spirit always finds joy in the web of Life and its interplay with the cosmos. With many years in environmental education and wilderness guiding in National Parks, as well as her work in multiple bioregions as an organic farmer and gardener with vegetables, medicinal herbs, and dairy cows, she has kept particularly close to the natural cycles. This has given her a deep understanding of the elements as they relate to our lives, and richly informs her practice of Ayurveda. Into this, she weaves her culinary gifts from her ancestral lineage hailing from Gujarat, India, where food is understood to be medicine, prayer, and love. She also brings Spirit into form through her other creative endeavors working with hand-dug clay, natural dyes, textile

art, and music.


As an Ayurvedic health advisor and certified yoga teacher, Janaki trained with Myraji Lewin and Hale Pule, the Living Ayurveda program with Banyan Farm and teachers, and the Caribe Yoga Academy with Avani Gilbert and teachers. She is deeply grateful to Mother Maya Tiwari whose guiding light and works set her on her path of remembering. Janaki also deeply values and integrates her other paths of study and travels with teachers from wisdom traditions in diverse lineages and lands of Earth– in the Western US, southern Mexico, India, and Costa Rica– yogis, curanderas, monks, educators, herbalists, farmers, and Earth-based artists. She is grateful to all of her teachers, and to the Divine Mother within and without.​



"Janaki has taught me the fundamentals of a beautiful way of cooking, one that has allowed me to understand the process... knowing which spices to use in combination, how to create a flavor portfolio based on the natural essence of the to make go-to kitchari is a very empowering thing, and I thank her for that!" - Leopold


"...I read a quote the other day. It stated when the student is ready, the teacher comes. I feel this happened here. I experience clarity and the way I feel reflects this. What I practice now transforms my life." - Erika

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